Depersonalization, Agoraphobia & Panic Disorder

by Megan

Thank you so much for your wonderful site. I am in a bad way with derealization/depersonalization, Agoraphobia and Panic Disorder. I even have it in my own home. Lately it seems to be getting worse and the mental health clinic is having a hard time treating me. I also obsess over my panic and lately every time I drive my car, I have a panic attack. I was wondering if you could suggest any medications that helped you or was it all self-help and behaviorial changes? I am going to try thought stopping from today on. I have tried it before but given up.

Thank you again for your wonderful site.

Response from

Hello Megan,

I completely understand how upsetting depersonalization can be. The symptoms alone are disturbing enough to cause more anxiety, panic and even make you want to stay home and avoid everything.
Although I did take medication for a brief time for my anxiety, everything I did was surrounded by cognitive-behavioral therapy. I saw a therapist, I read a lot of books and everyone and everything said the same thing. So it was encouraging to me to continue what I was doing to help myself even if I didn't feel like it was working right away.
I cannot say enough about cognitive-behavioral therapy. Changing your mind, changing your it enough it will become the new you! I know at this point, with all your struggles, you probably feel as if you will never overcome this, but I tell you... hang on and keep working at it. Read books, get as much encouragement as you can, and work with a therapist if you need to.
There is an excellent free cognitive-behavioral program called Abraham Low Self-Help Systems/Recovery Inc. This is a non-profit organization that offers free meetings where you can learn cognitive-behavioral therapy firsthand.
I definately suggest you find a meeting near you and check them out.

Whatever you do, hang in there! Do not give up, just keep pressing on doing what you need to do. Give yourself as long as it takes. No pressure or you will only sabotage your own recovery.

Take Care!

ps) Be sure to check out Depersonalization:
Overcoming the Feelings of Unreality

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