Only Child Caregiver

by Karen Holdridge
(Ellicott City, MD)

I am currently the only caregiver for my mom who has been sick since September with double pneumonia and is 84 years old. I am trying to hold down a full time job and I am currently overwhelmed with all of the doctors appointments and errands I have to run for my mom. I spend all day worrying about her and if she's going to have a good day or bad. When I'm at home with her, I'm constantly worried I will start to hear her crying again. I have been online reading other caregivers stories and feel very fortunate that my story is not as dire as their situations. I have been looking for a support group but can't seem to find one that is at night and not for alzheimers (although she is exhibiting signs of this too). Even though I'm living in a fairly populated area, I would like to find a person to share with online. I feel like I'm taking all of the steps I can to get help but feel like talking with someone similar or who knows how to deal with the stress, worrying and anxiety, it would help. My health is taking a toll but there is no way I can find time to go to the doctor for anything but the absolutely necessary visits like mammo and scheduled shots. Is there anyone out there who wishes to share?

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May 10, 2012
by: Mary

Hi Karen.This is the site that has helped me so very much with the overwhelming worry/anxiety...obcessive thinking. I too have the job of caregiver for my father. He needs 24/7 care,so i cant go to work and thankfully my husband allows me to do this. Now my brother who has a CNA wife, take him a month and then i take him for a month. It is VERY hectic, and to be honest frustrating. He suffered a stroke in nov. and dementia set in and sundowners as well. { he doesnt want to sleep at night} i beleive through the grace of God along with sites that give you great encouragement, and prayer..keeps me sane.I personally do not want to put him in a home and hopefully wont ever have to..i do remember when he was in the hospital, i thought i was going to lose my peace forever. I practically lived there and all the differing info, people who call constantly, and the worry about your parent is almost unbearable. I saved many of the articles in this site and read them over and over to make myself see i was not going nuts.I was obcessing so bad that i coulnt make it turn off..or so i thought.Try very hard to place your concerns with the Lord and MAKE yourself trust that he will bring you through this season of life. youre not Ive blabbed about some of what Im going through...nice to meet you and please unload if necessary

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