Panic and Being Alone
by Mariana
Thanks! I found your site so so informative and encouraging. I am so excited to start - I have a business trip coming up this weekend and all I can think of is - the flight there will be fine - but getting to my hotel, staying on my own? And not having to be dependant on my friends whilst I'm there because of my panic attacks. I want to try to visualise my trip and see a possitive thought and outcome for each place I have to go to - is there enough time for me to do so - These days im nervous just staying at home alone for a few minutes. How am I going to handle a trip away. (I have also posted my story on your site)
Response from
Hello Mariana,
I hope this response finds you doing well. I am not sure if I have responded before your trip or not, but either way, please know that a little visualization and positive thinking goes a very long way. Even in your short notice, your thoughts are better spent on visualizing success and positive outcomes than it is on disaster and negative outcomes.
To answer your question, you will handle your situation the way you choose to handle it. Of course, it may be hard to be alone and away from your "safe" people but it is good practice to "do it afraid". Remember, as fearful as you are, you are in full control. It is important to keep your mind on truthful, positive things especially when you are in the process of stepping out in fearful situations. Take this time to keep your mind busy with EVERYTHING good! Do not allow your mind to wander and question those "what-if's". Each time we face our fears using cognitive-behavioral methods, we grow stronger and stronger.
When you have returned from your trip, please share your experience with us.
Wishing you a successful journey ahead!